Painting by Vicky Christensen, acrylic on 16 X 20 inch canvas |
In honor of the end of summer and the beginning of fall, here is my latest painting.
I have another work in progress, a collage of gelli prints, but I haven't figured out how to finish that painting. So I decided to divert my attention by working on this painting. I wanted a lot of color. So I started with stencils, then amped up the color by dropping high flow acrylics and coaxed the color to spread and bloom by spraying liberally with water. I added a few more stencils and a bit of glass bead gel. The photo below shows the painting after the initial phase.
Underpainting after applying stencils and splashes of high flow acrylics |
Below is the painting after I glazed around the main shapes.
Painting in the intermediate phase after glazing around shapes |